These are unusual times, and in uncommon circumstances, it can be easy to let dental health go out the window. In times of stress, however, proper oral healthcare is more important than ever. Not only could the current business restrictions cause a break in important routine healthcare, but stress can itself cause a host of dental problems. With some extra attention, however, you should be able to come out of the COVID-19 outbreak with healthier teeth than ever before.
Maintain a Strict Home Routine
An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. By carefully taking care of your teeth, even a break in routine professional care can become uneventful. Many people are currently off of work. Take this extra self-isolation time to give your teeth some extra love. Try brushing after every meal with fluoride toothpaste and a soft-bristled brush, and use floss and mouthwash every day. Many patients may find themselves snacking more with nothing to do. Sugar can cause gum disease and tooth decay, so choose healthy snacks like celery or cheese.
Don’t Wait for Emergency Treatment
Based on recommendations from the CDC, the ADA, the North Carolina Dental Board, and the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services, our office is closed to regular traffic from March 17 to April 1. During this time we are not accepting new patients, nor are we scheduling routine or elective treatments. If you are patient of record, however, we are accepting emergency dental appointments. If you experience unusual pain or sensitivity or suffer facial trauma or a cracked or broken tooth or dental crown, please don’t hesitate to contact us. A minor issue can become a major one if ignored. If you experience a true dental emergency during our closure, contact Fuller Dental in Burlington, NC on our website or at (336) 226-0855 and we will get back to you as soon as possible.